Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Maddy called me yesterday..

So Maddy gave me a birthday phone call yesterday, and she only has 3 weeks left to go in Panama. She said she had mixed emotions about the experience so far, as her Spanish in the beginning was horrible, but she has picked it up. She also said that her house-mate (other volunteer that is) is unbearable. And you all know Maddy can put up with a lot, but she said this girl was on the verge of getting sent home - for being culturally insensitive. Anyways, she says she can put up with it for another 3 weeks. Other than that, she was stoked on making some new friends (over the age of 14) because she is isolated, and all the kids in high school live in the city during the week. So essentially, until a couple of weeks ago, she had few friends within close age (by close i mean within 5 years up or down). Other than that she says she is doing well. Yup. Just thought I'd pass that along to you all. I hope all is well with all of you!

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