Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Summer Thus Far

So ya I deleted facebook everyone if you haven't noticed which makes my life a whole more drama free but also prevents me from staying in touch as much as I ought to. My e-mail is mreed2289@gmail.com, and my IM is relativesanity88 so I can be reached throught those if you want.
The summer midpoint is fast approaching which scares the shit out of me. I have done nothing yet. I mean, I have been babysitting and occasionally doing some office work for Cheap Sumer Help, but besides that my life consists of reading, going to the gym, and hanging out with friends during the evenings. Doesn't sound bad, and it wasn't at first, but I am so freaking antsy it is beginning to drive me crazy. It doesn't help that most of you guys are having awesome adventures and I am stuck in this podunk town.
The only reason I came home this summer was to work and be with Kevin, and neither have happened yet. My job starts (finally) on Saturday, which is nice and will give me some routine. It is a waitressing job that I landed probably three weeks ago, but its for a new restaurant and the construction kept falling behind schedule, postponing my training. I told them I wanted to work 25-30 hours a week, so hopefully over two months that will add up. I have ample money saved, so I really don't need a whole lot, but I am planning on doing a (probably unpaid) internship next summer so I need extra.
On the Kevin front... well we broke up. I'm not going to pour my heart out here but even though it was probably for the best it sucks ass, has ruined so many of my summer plans and aspirations, and has left a huge void in my life, which only emphasizes the fact that I have been a bum so far this summer. We haven't talked in two weeks and it is kind of killing me, but I'll get through it.
My family is coming up from Miami on Thursday and my sister and Nana are visiting from Connecticut as well, and it will be really nice to see everyone together. Also it means everyone will be around for my birthday which will be a first. I'll probably do stuff (get drunk) Saturday night with friends and then spend Sunday with family. I normally spend birthdays with Kevin so I am really grateful I will have a house full of family to distract me.
Otherwise life is boring, I went to the beach once, took a trip to Montreal by myself just to clear my mind a little, and helped my Mom move into her summer cottage sh just got in Maine.

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying themselves and the sun!

SENGA - Your trip sounds amazing, I have been to Portugal and stayed in both Lisbon and the Algarve and both are beautiful; I hope your adventures only get better!
ALICE - I love you tons, I hope your Mumsy is doing better
MO GIRL - I doubt you read this but if you do I love you and happy birthday and I will shoot you an e-mail as soon as I get your address!
SEB - I hope you've been finding things to do, its going to be a lot of family time this week but maybe next we can find a time to hang out
MO - I just saw you, and thanks for the VT hospitality
NICK - Thats sick about frisbee, looking forward to your other posts
MADDY - If and when you get a chance to read this know I hope your jungle excursions have been phenomenal!


Senga said...

Maia Reed,
Nice to hear from you! I am sorry about the brakeup, and I honestly hope you find something to fill the void. I hope your job gets going soon and that will hopefully take your mind off things. To quote Robert Zimmerman "the times are a changing'" and its probably for the best.
My trip has been nice, but its made me realize how much I miss both home and Montreal. I really was stoked on the Algarve, in Lagos, I net a couple of Aussie urban planners who made me completely excited to have chosen to major in it. More details to follow in the blog. Hope all is quiet on the western front and that you are well. Peace out.

fromagesfondus said...

wait senga i thought you were doing journalism?

Either way maia we need to find an adventure thing to do. I leave the 4th of July soo anytime before then.
Hope you have a super b day, i'll give you a call.

alpal768 said...

gerl i'm looking forward to phone chats with you soon because -although i'm not happy that you're sad- i'm happy that someone is having a shitty-esque time at home as well and you console my soul to happiness again.