Friday, June 20, 2008


Hello All,

It's been a little while since I have posted and felt like it was a good time to update all of you.
Compared to May, June has been fast paced and entertaining.

My weekends have been good. I've been able to go surfing and downhill mountain biking wich is awesome. The surf was pretty bad when I went. My dad tried to surf too. It was fun.
The following weekend I went up to my condo in NH to go mtbking for Father's day. My dad had fun, I had fun, it was fun. I should be going this weekend with Guillaume and THE CHAMP. It's going to be epic. 


My sisters have had lots of parties lately since they are both done school. UNfortunately being the only sibling with a license I am often "the mom". I take them there, watch everyone get drunk, and take them home. Its still lots of fun to hang out with peeps from my school. Yesterday was the last party at my friends Thomas house. It was fairly low key and a bit sad since we won't be seeing any of them for a long time. I have also been able to observe my sister Mo under the influence of the crunk juice and have come to the conclusion that she is a very lightweight. I'm already worried for Frosh. MO GUY if you have her be nice hehe.


My parents are doing well, my youngest sister is happy to be done school and can't wait for France (she leave monday?) and my older sister is very happy to have graduated. She passed her BAC ES two weeks ago and pwned my scores. Her entire class did very well. She also got some special international award thing. I'm proud of her and glad she is coming up to McGill next year.


My job is going well, the project that we are working on is moving forward and we are starting to get interesting results. I have to write up some sort of scientific document this weekend that they intend to put in their grant. I'm quite stoked on that. 

Overall I'm quite happy. I can't wait to go to Argentina.  I leave the 4th of July and will be staying in Buenos Aires with some friends for three days and then I'll be heading out to Bariloche for 4 weeks of pure awesomeness. 

I hope that all of you are doing well and hope to keep getting news from you guys.
I'm looking forward to the end of august and seeing all of you.

1 comment:

Senga said...

I'll leave a comment so you don't have zero. On way to Barcelona. Saw Guggenheim today in Biblao, so sweet. Hope all is well. Peace.